What is normal?
The dictionary says its "the usual, typical, or expected state or condition".
I have heard so many people say 'I just want to be normal!' or 'is it normal too?'. We have this obsession, that we don't like things when our situation or who I am is 'Not Normal'. But for you to know what is not normal we need to know what is normal!
I'm sure this comes from a place where we don't want to stand out from the crowd because there is safety in being in the crowd. If our situation has changed we don't like it because we have to adapt and change ourselves. Then if we have to change is how I'm changing different to everyone else?
This idea of normal can be really unhelpful. In trying to be more 'normal' we start thinking about other people and how they deal with things rather than how we deal with things.
Now in this current time where there is no idea of normal because everyone's lives have been turned upside down we start looking for a 'new normal'. What does that mean? Cause it looks different for me than it does for you!
Stop comparing yourself to someone else - it will never bring you happiness. There will always be someone smarter, funnier, prettier, _______ (fill in the blank with something you feel insecure about) than you.
So what about the world's new normal. Well studies show it takes somewhere between 3 weeks and 2 months to form a new habit. So in a world where we can no longer do some of the things we were used to...What are the new habits you have formed?
Actually the world we are living in is constantly changing, moving with every moment. Unfortunately I am old enough to remember when smartphones started to change the world, now we all live on ours. How about the World Wide Web, it is literally as old as me and I have seen it change and develop the way we live. The way life was in 2010 has changed to what it is in 2020.
The point is that there was nothing 'normal' before lockdown and nothing 'normal' after it. There are things we do, and how we do them but its always up for change.
Instead of looking for a new normal, understand how you change. Understand how you can become the best version of yourself in that change. For instance, in a world where meeting up with people isn't possible how do you make time for people? Phone calls, zoom, social media or do you stop talking to them? Why? Is that a good thing or a bad thing. If its a bad thing change it! If you can't get out of bed until the afternoon and you feel rubbish during the day, wake up earlier! If you are struggling with your mental health, share it!
All of it is possible!
So what is the 'new normal', the new normal is same as the 'old normal', trying things, adapting to change and trying to be the best version of yourself you can be. All of that sound biblical to me, Keep reading to see what I mean.
This video is of Nick Vujicic's, he was born without arms or legs, he inspires people around the world that when things aren't 'normal' you don't just stop!
Consistently in the bible we see the world changes for people. Joseph’s story is a great example of this, he goes from being the favourite son of many, to a slave. He then gets thrown in jail. It's only when he starts to use his talents, his life changes. He interprets dreams, make some decent decisions and slowly becomes powerful in Egypt. He then is finally reunited with his family.
Joseph's world changed in a matter of moments, from being comfortable to being a slave, just about when he got used to being a slave, he got put in prison. How he responds to that change is what defines his future. He could take everything that has happened out on the people that have caused it or what he does, continues to be himself in a more humble way and finally his family relationships are restored.
What was 'the normal' for Joseph? He had to change to his circumstances, he had to learn skills and change his character, more than he wouldn't have ever needed to if he continued to be the favourite son at home. However he is a better man at the end of it all. The constant for Joseph was God. Throughout it all, God never changed for him, whether he was the leader of Egypt or in the jail cell. God doesn't change, your view of him might but he never does.
Another Biblical Story where we see change is Paul. Paul starts his story in the bible by killing Christian's and ends up writing the majority of the New Testament. Talk about change and being 'normal'. Paul's story is one of him changing not his situation changing. Paul's story is one where he encounters God, his eyes become open to what he is doing and then he changes his life accordingly. God spoke to Paul and Paul changed himself. God didn't sprinkle magic dust on him. Paul changed when his eyes became open to what he was doing. I wonder how your eyes during this time might have become open to what you are doing and if anything needs to change in your life.
Change is going to happen, it happens in our lives whether we want it or not, it happens within us, it happens around us. How we deal with it as human beings, as Christians, defines us. As our situation has changed dramatically so do we, how we see the world, what our behaviour is and continues to be. 'Normal' is not a word that I associate with Faith of any kind. Change is. And God is with you as you change!
This song is all about How God is with you no matter your situation.