We are a group of Christians who meet in Lindley. We aim to be 'Open to Jesus, Open to people' and are now Open on Zoom!
While our buildings are closed our main Sunday worship service is taking place on Zoom from 10.15am to allow for conversation and then starts at 10.40am.
Some of our other activities and groups listed below are using Zoom. Take a look at our website for details.
There is always something going on and we would love for you to get involved.
Sunday morning worship is at 10.45am with a crèche and Sunday Youth Club.
We run a café on Thursday and Saturday mornings in the church centre; do drop in for a coffee.
There is a monthly fellowship group, and various Bible study and discussion groups. We also run courses introducing the Christian faith: please contact Sue if you are interested. Please follow the link to our website for more details of our activities, notices and our monthly newsletter The Grapevine which can be downloaded.
Parent & Toddler groups run on Monday and Wednesday mornings.
A range of organisations use the church centre building, including Gledholt Male Voice Choir, Marsh Ladies Choir, National Childbirth Trust, Exercise classes and for children: Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, out of school club and pre-school playgroup. Please look at our website if you are interested in hiring a room or want more details of these groups.