Lepton Methodist Church
![]() Lepton Methodist Church is a medium-size Methodist Church (with around 25 regular worshippers and about 70 others linked). It is located in the centre of Lepton, a village surrounded by lovely countryside. The 1994 building is an attractive, single storey, flexible, multi-purpose facility, with excellent facilities. It has recently been extended. On average about 200 people use the premises each week.
Lepton Methodist Church is registered by Kirklees as a 'Schools are Welcome Church'. Visit our website here Regular Activities Sundays: Morning worship 10.30am Mondays: second afternoon of month - Friendship Group at 2.00pm. Tuesdays: alternate weeks - Lepton Luncheon Club at 12.00 noon Pilates weekly two classes 5.30pm – 8pm Wednesday: Dementia Support Group weekly 11am – 12noon Rainbows (term time) 5pm - 6pm Community Link on first of alternate months at 7.15pm Thursdays: Weekly Coffee Morning 10am Communion 1st Thursday of the month at 11.00am Community Library weekly 10.00am to 11.45pm Lunch Bunch - Stay and Play Tots group 12 noon to 1.30pm (term time) Saturdays: fundraising events, meals, dances, displays, community events. These and other special events are announced via the Church Notices or via the website Rooms are available to hire on a regular or one-off basis. Further information can be obtained from Anne Wilson Telephone Number: 01484 341864 Email address: [email protected] |
Lepton Methodist Church, The Square, Highgate Lane, Lepton, Huddersfield. HD8 0HB
Meet the Minister