Having spoken to people over the last few weeks it seems clear to me that the current pandemic and its effects are impacting many people.
Six degrees of separation is the idea that all people are within six or fewer social connections between any person in the world. That you will know a person, that person will know a person and so on until you reach the end goal. At the start of all of this for a lot of people the first person we knew that has had Covid-19 would have been 2 or more steps away. However, for us all as more people’s lives are affected, it is getting closer to us.
For some of us the effects will be on our doorsteps, a family member, a friend, someone that you see regularly at school or church.
The impact that this has on us as individuals and on the people around us can be profound. If we are unsure about someone health or someone has sadly passed away in these times, what do we do when some of our usual ways of dealing with these emotions are limited to say the least.
Each and every person goes through these times in their lives, everyone deals with them differently. Be aware of this, be ok with this. Sometimes it might not affect us for weeks, sometimes its instant.
Here are a few tips I've found that might relate during this time
Our faith has a part to play in how we deal with these situations, often we feel such a range of emotions and these play into how we feel about our faith, God and Jesus.
This can range from anger with God, to that all of it is rubbish, to leaning on and needing your faith to get through these times. All of this is normal.
You are allowed to be Angry, You are allowed to not believe, You are allowed to lean on your understanding of God, you are allowed to do all of it.
If you believe in a God that created the world and created you, then God is big enough to deal with whatever you have got to give him. Jesus got angry, Jesus had the moment of separation of the Cross “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?”, Jesus relied on God, Jesus did all of the emotions you will ever feel. He was human too.
No matter what I'd tell you to keep chasing what your faith means during this time, even when your angry, when you feel like God has abandoned you, be honest with God. The idea of lament is one seen throughout the bible, seen throughout the ages, don't be afraid to see where this leads you.
Studies show that people with a faith are more resilient to hardship. There is a reason for that.
I like to give you something to reflect alongside, this is a song called Weep with Me by Rend Collective.
Six degrees of separation is the idea that all people are within six or fewer social connections between any person in the world. That you will know a person, that person will know a person and so on until you reach the end goal. At the start of all of this for a lot of people the first person we knew that has had Covid-19 would have been 2 or more steps away. However, for us all as more people’s lives are affected, it is getting closer to us.
For some of us the effects will be on our doorsteps, a family member, a friend, someone that you see regularly at school or church.
The impact that this has on us as individuals and on the people around us can be profound. If we are unsure about someone health or someone has sadly passed away in these times, what do we do when some of our usual ways of dealing with these emotions are limited to say the least.
Each and every person goes through these times in their lives, everyone deals with them differently. Be aware of this, be ok with this. Sometimes it might not affect us for weeks, sometimes its instant.
Here are a few tips I've found that might relate during this time
- Make time for your feelings - It's OK to feel things that might not seem appropriate. Anger is really common, feeling emotional when you are 'trying to be strong' for others, etc. Supressing everything, we are feeling isn't helpful, you are feeling something for a reason. Let yourself feel.
- Be Kind to Yourself - What are you doing for yourself and your own mental health? Taking your time to go for a walk, letting yourself relax, reading a book and getting lost in another world. Do thing that are for you.
- Be Kind to Others - In these times where we are either living in close quarters with others or far apart from people we love, being kind to others is really key. If someone snaps then don't bite back, if you think someone is lonely speak to them, connect, be kind.
- Take Positives - One of my big challenges to young people is find something positive at the end of every day. It might be the weather, some music, a conversation, whatever it is find something. Being able to see the lots of small positives in your life can often lead to finding more and doing more positive things.
- Allow Joy - Laughter effects your brain chemistry, there is a reason why laughing makes us feel good, it changes our brain chemistry, it releases more endorphins and dopamine that makes us feel good. But it also reduces the brain asking for cortisol which makes us feel stressed. Therefore, those moments where we laugh, on our own or with others is so important.
- Seek Support - If things are too much then seek support, there are so many places to talk, but as a first point of call, your local minister or I am obviously here to support. If you need more professional help seek out your GP.
- Look Ahead - You have things to look forward too, at some point in the future you will be able to hug the people you love. You will be able to go to that place that makes you feel happy. You have life to live, look forward to how this situation is going to enable you to live with the good and bad that has come out of it.
Our faith has a part to play in how we deal with these situations, often we feel such a range of emotions and these play into how we feel about our faith, God and Jesus.
This can range from anger with God, to that all of it is rubbish, to leaning on and needing your faith to get through these times. All of this is normal.
You are allowed to be Angry, You are allowed to not believe, You are allowed to lean on your understanding of God, you are allowed to do all of it.
If you believe in a God that created the world and created you, then God is big enough to deal with whatever you have got to give him. Jesus got angry, Jesus had the moment of separation of the Cross “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?”, Jesus relied on God, Jesus did all of the emotions you will ever feel. He was human too.
No matter what I'd tell you to keep chasing what your faith means during this time, even when your angry, when you feel like God has abandoned you, be honest with God. The idea of lament is one seen throughout the bible, seen throughout the ages, don't be afraid to see where this leads you.
Studies show that people with a faith are more resilient to hardship. There is a reason for that.
I like to give you something to reflect alongside, this is a song called Weep with Me by Rend Collective.