Some of the potential issues for me were:
- Will this be ‘enough’ for the people who already go to church?
- Will this be ‘enough/too much’ for the people who only want mindfulness meditations?
- Thirteen people are too many for the intimacy and confidentiality I want to encourage.
- Will the people who wanted to come but couldn’t feel left out and excluded when we meet next month?
What did we talk about? Well, we talked about science and God. We talked about consciousness and epigenetics. About connectedness – together as a group and to those we love and DNA. We talked about the word LORD, Yahweh, YHWH and Ruah. Was it ‘highbrow’? I hope not, but it was down to earth and informative and we went some way to joining the dots of life and breathing a sigh of relief. A central theme to the 90 minutes was No Judgement – of ourselves or others. A good start that people seemed to enjoy.