The last two years have caused many of us to let go of old ways and to search for God in different ways. I am hearing that for many of us, our church habits have changed and the way we used to engage with God has been challenged during lockdown. I believe many are seeking to meet with the Lord on a different plane and in a different way.
Lent gives us the chance to stop and re-evaluate our spiritual life and turn our yearning for spiritual connection into a reality. In following the ‘lostness’ of Jesus in the wilderness to the adulation of Palm Sunday we can journey with him in a human and tangible way as we feel every stone in his shoe and every hunger pang he shares with the disciples.
If you are interested in finding a new way to meet Jesus, talk about how it all feels or maybe practise ancient tried and tested methods, I am hosting evening sessions over Lent at Dalton St Pauls to offer us the opportunity to meet God.
We will capture that warm and safe feeling of Sunday evenings by sharing something to eat, talking about what is alive for us and then welcoming God into our midst. We will learn a new way of touching the intangible by learning contemplative prayer, centring prayer and mindfulness and finding stillness in a frenetic world.
Whilst our Lenten journey will begin in the wilderness, we will not take the old familiar route to Easter Sunday morning. Often Lent is seen as a journey of suffering and abstinence, yet we can fail to see it as liberating and illuminating. My hope for our time together is let go of seeing Jesus from outside of us but find the Jesus who is inside and uncover what the Spirit is saying to us internally, as we prepare to discover how full the empty tomb is on Easter morning.
I am looking forward to meeting you all, whether you are feeling close to or far away from God. It will be a great opportunity of uniting or re-uniting with God and one another as we make our way together to the cross and beyond.
We will meet at 6pm at Dalton St Pauls for some tea and then begin our contemplative journey, finding new skills and ways to touch the hem of his garment. This is a Circuit-wide event, starting Sunday 6th March 2022 and details will be on the plan.
Walking with Jesus was never meant to be easy, but his companionship and friendship have always been the reward. Let’s talk and then sit in stillness and silence as we look for his hand in the days ahead.
If you want to know more, get in touch. I hope you can make it on the 6th March as we take our first steps together.
Rev Tim Moore
Lent gives us the chance to stop and re-evaluate our spiritual life and turn our yearning for spiritual connection into a reality. In following the ‘lostness’ of Jesus in the wilderness to the adulation of Palm Sunday we can journey with him in a human and tangible way as we feel every stone in his shoe and every hunger pang he shares with the disciples.
If you are interested in finding a new way to meet Jesus, talk about how it all feels or maybe practise ancient tried and tested methods, I am hosting evening sessions over Lent at Dalton St Pauls to offer us the opportunity to meet God.
We will capture that warm and safe feeling of Sunday evenings by sharing something to eat, talking about what is alive for us and then welcoming God into our midst. We will learn a new way of touching the intangible by learning contemplative prayer, centring prayer and mindfulness and finding stillness in a frenetic world.
Whilst our Lenten journey will begin in the wilderness, we will not take the old familiar route to Easter Sunday morning. Often Lent is seen as a journey of suffering and abstinence, yet we can fail to see it as liberating and illuminating. My hope for our time together is let go of seeing Jesus from outside of us but find the Jesus who is inside and uncover what the Spirit is saying to us internally, as we prepare to discover how full the empty tomb is on Easter morning.
I am looking forward to meeting you all, whether you are feeling close to or far away from God. It will be a great opportunity of uniting or re-uniting with God and one another as we make our way together to the cross and beyond.
We will meet at 6pm at Dalton St Pauls for some tea and then begin our contemplative journey, finding new skills and ways to touch the hem of his garment. This is a Circuit-wide event, starting Sunday 6th March 2022 and details will be on the plan.
Walking with Jesus was never meant to be easy, but his companionship and friendship have always been the reward. Let’s talk and then sit in stillness and silence as we look for his hand in the days ahead.
If you want to know more, get in touch. I hope you can make it on the 6th March as we take our first steps together.
Rev Tim Moore