'Twixt Hades and Elysium on top of the World shines a flickering light that is Hade Edge Chapel. Locals say that on a clear day you can see the Urals in Russia!
Well known for the quality of its teas, the Chapel's high profile specialist services include Plough Sunday, Band Sunday (Pentecost), Harvest, Chapel Anniversary and Christmas Eve Candlelight Carols.
Once a month our Jacob's Ladder Family Service thrills young and old alike.
As always, our post service coffee is as warm as our welcome!
Sunday worship: 2.30 pm
Hade Edge Methodist Church, Dunford Road, Hade Edge, HD9 2RT
Meet the Minister
Jo is the Minister at Hade Edge as well as some other churches in the circuit. To find out more about Jo and to get in contact with her go to her page.