3Generate is the Methodist Youth Conference that takes place inside the NEC Birmingham every October, attracting around 1,600 people from all over the Connexion.
This year we linked up with other groups from our District, camping with young people from Calderdale Circuit and spending time with a larger group from Aire and Calder Circuit. This already gave us the feeling of being part of something so much bigger than we can provide in one Circuit alone. Looking at the sea of tents inside the NEC, it was so clear to see how 3Generate attracts people from all over the Connexion.
This year the programme was again full of interesting talks and activities, with lots of time to worship, learn and have fun. A new addition to the programme was Dragons’ Den, where young people could come with their ideas on how to help engage their peers with the church. Two of our young people had the idea of creating internships at Circuit level, even creating a model of their new intern. The result of this idea meant they got to spend some one-on-one time with some of the most influential members of the Connexional team, including Trey Hall, Director of Evangelism and Growth for the Methodist Church.
This year we linked up with other groups from our District, camping with young people from Calderdale Circuit and spending time with a larger group from Aire and Calder Circuit. This already gave us the feeling of being part of something so much bigger than we can provide in one Circuit alone. Looking at the sea of tents inside the NEC, it was so clear to see how 3Generate attracts people from all over the Connexion.
This year the programme was again full of interesting talks and activities, with lots of time to worship, learn and have fun. A new addition to the programme was Dragons’ Den, where young people could come with their ideas on how to help engage their peers with the church. Two of our young people had the idea of creating internships at Circuit level, even creating a model of their new intern. The result of this idea meant they got to spend some one-on-one time with some of the most influential members of the Connexional team, including Trey Hall, Director of Evangelism and Growth for the Methodist Church.
In addition to all of this there was still the climbing wall and other more physical challenges, including a caving bus which some of our young people really enjoyed. Another new addition was the biodome where you could see the world projected all around you, providing an immersive experience unlike no other. There was always something to do throughout the weekend, whether it was a sports session, video gaming or creative things such as soap making. I think we should also note that on the Saturday evening the Huddersfield Circuit came second in the quiz, missing out on first place by just 1 point! We still got a chocolate prize though! Worship was a big focus this year, showing how you can do this in different ways, including Taize, art and Forest Church style worship as well as the 3Gen Big Sing. On the Sunday morning we went to Metal Methodist Worship, with a metal worship band WYTCH HAZEL playing a set. Lots of headbanging for God! | |
One thing not to underestimate is the importance of real opportunities to meet and spend time with new people. We even managed to get our groups together to play a big game of SPLAT! We are trying to do more with the District and other youth groups, so that our young people can really feel and understand that there are more young people, connected with church, than we have in our Circuit. As leaders, we get along and that filters down to our young people. It’s a real pleasure to see how this work is developing and 3Generate is a good example of this.
So, we will be back next year for 3Generate; any young person aged 8yrs+ is welcome to come along, Friday 3rd to Sunday 5th October at NEC Birmingham.
Chris Mason
So, we will be back next year for 3Generate; any young person aged 8yrs+ is welcome to come along, Friday 3rd to Sunday 5th October at NEC Birmingham.
Chris Mason